Track of the Day on 11Nov2007 in Funk
Track of the Day on 29Jan2008 in Jazz
Track Of The Week on 19Nov2007 in
Track Of The Week on 11Feb2008 in
#25 Best Bass in Funk, all-time
#13 Best Programming in Funk, all-time
Best Guitars in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Best Drums in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Best Bass overall, week of 19Nov2007
Best Bass in Funk, week of 12Nov2007
Best Bass in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Best Bass in Funk, week of 25Feb2008
Best Keyboards in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Best Programming in Funk, week of
Best Programming in Funk, week of
Best Production in Funk, week of 12Nov2007
Best Beat overall, week of 19Nov2007
Best Beat in Funk, week of 12Nov2007
Best Beat in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Best Mood in Funk, week of 12Nov2007
Best Mood in Funk, week of 19Nov2007
Most Original in Funk, week of 19Nov2007